The hardest part of having sprogs
Is having no privacy - the little sods!
When you're feeling fruity and need the deed done
They're always awake and stop your fun
Now I'm not complaining they're my lovely kids
But sometimes you just have to get rid
Of the little angels to someone dear
So you can have your hubby near
When they're small and get very tired
To bed they go while you are wired
But when they get to the years of teenager
You might as well go celibate I'd wager
So you snatch what moments that you can
Together alone as fast as your man
Can manage to do it before they come back
And you must get out of the marital sack
And pretend the house you've been busy cleaning
Your red face from fast work is quite rightly beaming
Cooking their dinner with a smile on your mouth
They'll never guess what went on down south ;-)