Losing fat is a funny thing
It hard and slow and so prolonging
It took many years to build up this physique
And now its a trim frame that I seek
I was sick of never looking good in clothes
But if you're fat that's the way it goes
I have looked like a marshmallow feeding on lard
And oh my god losing it was hard
It's took many months to curb my frame
My eating habits to never be the same
I have dropped 4 dress sizes and wobble no more
I now have hips, shoulders and nice bits galore
But one big downside or so my husband says
Is the reduction in size of my bust, I see his dismay
I think its great, they don't swing or flop
Look, he's lost loads of flab and at his tiny bits I don't pop
There's are chest exercises I could give a go
But I really want one for man's little bits that hang low
To enlarge this 'muscle' in the very right way
My mind has been wandering, I'm sorry I say
But the smile on my face is a right steamy beamer
I really do love being an old fart of a day dreamer
I should point out I pick on my hubby each day
And I confirm that his manhood is not small in any way ;o)